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Aims of the contest

The basic purpose of the contest is popularization and propagation of children's-youthful variety creativity,strengthening of friendly connections, creative contacts of children and youth of different countries, andalso familiarizing of children of various nationalities with Italian creativity and granting of an opportunity bythem to show the skills and features of the national culture.

Tasks of the contest are:

a) stimulation and development of children's and youthful variety creativity;

b) expansion and a deepening of the international communications in the field of a cultural exchange.

 RESULTS:  30/12/2020




1. Pop (pop, rock, dance, etc.)

2. Jazz (be-pop, latin, swing, etc.)

3. Folk music

4. Movie&Musical 

5. Opera singers (only for category 17 - 26 y.o.)

6. Original song

• Are admitted to the competition both soloists and groups (up to 16 entries);

• The soloists will be divided into 3 categories: 6-9 years, 10-12 years, 13-16 years, 17-26 years (EUROTALENT CONTEST);

• The groups will be divided into three categories KIDS from 6 to 12 y.o.  JUNIOR from 13 to 16 y.o. and TALENTS from 17 to 26 y.o. (will be considered the average age of the elements).

• For first fifth categories the song/piece for the competition are on free choice and must not exceed 4.00 minutes;

• for sixth category songs must be written by yourself or by a composer expecially for you;



1. Classic & Contemporary

2. Modern (pop/rock, etc.)

2. Folk

• Are admitted to the competition both soloists and groups (up to 16 entries);

• The soloists will be divided into 3 categories: 6-9 years, 10-12 years, 13-16 years, 17-26 years (EUROTALENT CONTEST);

• The groups will be divided into three categories KIDS from 6 to 12 y.o.  JUNIOR from 13 to 16 y.o. and TALENTS from 17 to 26 y.o. (will be considered the average age of the elements).

• The performance for the contest it’s a free choice and must not exceed 4 minutes.

Entry fees:

Sections: Singing, Instrumentalists:

Soloists: euro 25 (to take part in one nomination)

euro 20 (if participant choose to compete also in the second and/or third nomination)

Groups (from duo): euro 15 for each element of the group;

euro 10 (for participant if choose to compete also in the second and/or third category)


Grand Prix WInners (one for SInging and one for Instrumentalists) will receive diploma of Grand Prix and will be invited as a special guest to perform during the next Eurokids Summer (Maiori, Amalfi coast, June 2021)  - Hotel and accommodation will be for free for artist and one accompaning person;

Diploma of 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in each section and certificates for all participants;

Best Original Song (for the participants that will perform an original song);

More artistic perspective: ALFA prize.

Jury will be international.

with the participation in the competition the competitor:
- grants permission to use the image (video / photo) for all purposes related to the competition
- fully accepts the rules and the judgment of the international jury
- relieves the organization of the competition from any requests from third parties regarding the use of the audio / video material that the participants have sent to the competition

Entry requirements (for everybody):
1. A link video (Youtube, vimeo,etc.) with a live performance . Is raccomanded to shoot video (even with phone) in horizontal mode;
2. The video should be no older than 6 months by the contest date;
3.Videos from performances at other festivals and competitions can be accepted but no logo in backgroung must figure;
4. The performance in video must be "live" 
a) on instrumental track (or accompanied with some instrument) for singing;
b) playing live (with accompaniment of other instrumentalists in case) for instrumentalists;
5. Entry form  filled and a copy of payment via email :
- video will be not published on website until payment prove. Contact organization to figure out the best way for you to transfer entry fee of contest (revolut, bank transfer,etc.);


THAILAND: Pitchasilapha

SERBIA: Thalia art development fulcrum
SPAIN: Orfeum 

BULGARIA - Festival Music Agency Artvoices


          @2016 All Rights reserved


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